Dr. Lillian DanielPie SundayZephie’s GraduationHelen Crandall preachesCouncil MeetsCommunionUkelele BandCovid Meal PrepChildren’s MessageOutdoor WorshipChristmas GazeboAlpenfest ParadeSept. Outdoor ServiceSept. Outdoor ServiceChurch Picnic 2023Shannon Burke donates paintingPainting added to SanctuaryThe Petersons help with music!Two Super Heroes off to the Corp WalkOur super heroes!Leaders of the packSallie is ready!Bri is ready!Many groups participatedOur Super Heroes!Children’s Message with SolomoSarah and Christopher PetersonBrian and SarahJenna EnglishSpring Clean Upspring Clean UpSpring Clean UpBlanket SundayNED Concert150th Celebration SundayChoir at CelebrationCelebration LunchMary’s 150th Poem